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Genially and Moodle Quiz: Guiding learners through Multimodal Language Discovery in a Moodle-based foreign language course

 Day 1       Pico       Educator stream

Main Author: Elisenda Gozalo Salellas - Institut Obert de Catalunya

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day1-MoodleRoom_Sub_08.mp4

idokhumende ye PDF 117-Genially and Moodle Quiz_ Guiding learners through.pdf

H5P Advent Calendar: Sharing Moodle Tips in an Engaging way

 Day 3       Pico       Educator stream

Main Author: Anna Kamula - University of Helsinki
Co-Authors: Kanerva Matveinen

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day3-MoodleRoom_Sub_07.mp4

Powerpoint 2007 presentation 03-24-H5P Advent Calendar_ Sharing Moodle Tips.pptx

Histopoly: Moodle, H5P and Monopoly holding hands

 Day 3       Pico       Educator stream

Main Author: Hugo Ribeiro - University of Porto
Co-Authors: Ricardo Marcos

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day3-MoodleRoom_Sub_08.mp4

Powerpoint 2007 presentation 199.01-Histopoly_ Moodle_ H5P and Monopoly holding hands.pptx

How the Wooclap-Moodle plugin takes your students to successful learning with 4 fundamentals

 Day 3       Oral Presentation       Educator stream

Main Author: Fabien Maurin - Wooclap

idokhumende ye PDF 239-How the WooclapMoodle plugin takes your students t.pdf

How to customize Moodle Workplace to meet the needs of 58 co-operating companies

 Day 2       Oral Presentation       Administrator stream

Main Author: Bjørn Torleif Lia - aiLæring

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day2-MoodleRoom_Sub_05.mp4

Powerpoint 2007 presentation 02-97-How to customize Moodle Workplace to meet the need.pptx

How to Engage your Learners using H5P

 Day 3       Pico       Educator stream

Main Author: Ståle Hegna - Telemark Kompetanse

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day3-MoodleRoom_Sub_05.mp4

Powerpoint 2007 presentation 227-How to Engage your Learners using H5P.pptx

How to improve student learning outcomes by elevating their note-taking skills

 Day 3       Oral Presentation       Educator stream

Main Author: Adrien Fery - Amanote
Co-Authors: Antonello Di Muro
Presenting Author: Antonello Di Muro

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day3-WorkshopRoom_Sub_01.mp4

Ideate with the Moodle Product Team!

 Day 3       Workshop       Educator stream

Main Author: Marie Achour - Moodle
Co-Authors: Zoe Rippon

Powerpoint 2007 presentation 01-159-Ideate with the Moodle Product Team_.pptx

Implementing Voice and Chatbot UI using Dialogflow and Mycroft with Moodle resources and activities

 Day 1       Oral Presentation       Developer stream

Main Author: Toshihiro Kita - Kumamoto University
Co-Authors: Tamás Molnár

View on YouTube

Video file (MP4) Day1-3iPuntRoom_Sub_10.mp4

idokhumende ye PDF 193-Implementing Voice and Chatbot UI using Dialogflow.pdf

Improving Accessibility of Moodle Content

 Day 1       Workshop       Administrator stream

Main Author: Gavin Henrick - Brickfield Education Labs
Co-Authors: Laia Canet
Presenting Author: Laia Canet