Dev Jam program is live

Dev Jam program is live

by Sara Arjona -
Number of replies: 4
Hi everybody!
Are you ready for the Dev Jam? In a few days, we'll meet and share our knowledge!  smile 
Thanks to everybody who filled in the survey (and our apologies for not giving you too much time to complete it!). Your answers have helped us to prepare the program, for trying to adapt it to your expectations (we've done it with love, so we hope you like it). In the Dev Jam (Hackathon) section of this course, you'll find a page with the program.
Remember you can post ideas and questions to the Forum on Moodle Academy: Dev Jam (Hackathon) open discussionWe encourage you all to bring your own laptops and chargers to the session. Wifi will be available in the conference room.
Registration will start from 13:30 on Monday 26 September. We can't wait to see you there! 💃
Tons of kisses (and have safe trips to Barcelona)!! 😘
In reply to Sara Arjona

Re: Dev Jam program is live

by Tim Hunt -
That looks like a great start to the formal programme. I'm really looking forwards to it.

What i am wondering is, are there any plans for afterwards? Would any of the developers be interested in going out for dinner together afterwards? Is anyone making any plans?
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Dev Jam program is live

by Luca Bösch -
Isn't that typically having pizza boxes delivered and coding until dawn? 😅

I would be in going out for dinner together afterwards.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Dev Jam program is live

by Davo Smith -
I'll probably be up for getting some food somewhere that evening (as several of my colleagues are also over in Barcelona, it may depend a bit on what they are doing).
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Dev Jam program is live

by Sara Arjona -
I'm glad you liked the program. Let's see how it goes (hopefully people will be eager to share their projects and questions) 🤞🤞

Regarding the dinner, we'll be having early lunch in this place and we will ask them about their availability for dinner (just for having any option in case people want to have lunch together).

Més K tapes
Carrer dels Comtes de Bell-Lloc, 49

Apart from that, for you to know, these weekend it's one of the biggest festivals in Barcelona, called La Mercè. The program includes a few concerts:

Monday will be the last day and, at 22:00 there will be fireworks with music near the Montjuïc fountains:

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow 😘😘😘😘😘