Moodle Academy March Highlights

Moodle Academy March Highlights

از Sandra Matz در
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Find out what's new and upcoming on Moodle.Academy, the learning hub for the global Moodle Community.

Moodle Academy offers free, online Moodle training for educators, workplace trainers, administrators and developers from Moodle experts around the world. Attend live webinars, watch past webinars, complete courses and enrol in programs.

What’s new?

  • All Moodle Academy courses have now been updated to cover 4.3 features.

What’s coming up in March?


Webinar in German: Zahlen - Daten - Fakten (ZDF): Mit nutzerdefinierten Berichten ein eigenes Moodle-Reporting aufbauen - 6th March, 14:30 UTC.

In diesem Webinar werden Sie vom YouTuber und Moodle-Experten Dag Klimas mit nutzerdefinierten Moodle-Berichten vertraut gemacht. Darüber hinaus, wie Sie einem ausgewählten Nutzerkreis Berichte zum Abruf zur Verfügung stellen können. Damit nicht genug, Sie lernen auch, diese Berichte periodisch, z. B. als Excel-Datei, an Empfänger/innen per E-Mail zu senden. Registrieren Sie sich für das Webinar.

Translating User-Generated Content - 13th March, 9:00 UTC.

In this webinar, Andrew Hancox, of Open Source Learning, and Rajneel Totaram, of Moodle Academy, will talk about the technical details of building a Moodle plugin for translating user-generated content. This presentation will explore the design and challenges of content translation, and how the content translation plugin set tries to overcome these. This webinar is targeted towards developers. Register for the webinar.

Tracker for Non-Techies - 25th March, 13:00 UTC.

As a Moodle user, have you ever needed to search the Tracker, comment or vote on an issue or even create an issue yourself? Did you find the process daunting? If so, join Community Engagement Advisor Helen Foster for a non-technical introduction to the Moodle Tracker, including tips for successful searching and advice on how to report a bug or suggest a new feature. Register for the webinar.

Courses and programs

Moodle Developer Skills program and certificate is now available.

This free program of short courses is designed to help you better understand the concepts of Moodle development. Courses in this program focus on database access, page layouts, using JavaScript, Moodle app compatibility and secure Moodle development practices.

Once you complete all the courses you will receive a badge for completing the program. You can also choose to purchase a certificate of completion.

Register into the program to earn your badge and certificate.

Another new Moodle developer intermediate level course has been released:

Access Control and Security in Moodle course, which is also part of the Moodle Developer Skills program, is now available. This intermediate-level secure development course is designed to equip developers with the skills to identify, understand, and mitigate common security vulnerabilities in Moodle code. The course covers writing secure code using Moodle's APIs, fixing security vulnerabilities, and procedures for reporting and fixing security issues. The course is ideal for developers looking to enhance their understanding of secure development practices in Moodle and improve the security of Moodle plugins. Register for the course.

Find out more and register for free at Moodle Academy!