Thoughts on Dev Jam

Thoughts on Dev Jam

by David Saylor -
Number of replies: 1
I really enjoyed part 1. I thought part 2 was a bit difficult to take part in. It was often hard to see what the group leaders were showing on laptops/tablets and overall felt difficult to hear and communicate.

Some thoughts I had for ways to improve:
1. If we do a similar format again for part 2, maybe we break people into individual rooms with their own screens prepared so the only people talking in the room are related to the topic at hand and so we can more easily see what's being presented.
2. An alternative that might be fun would be to try and tackle as many bugs and feature requests with simple fixes and proof of concept code in like 4-6 hours. Maybe split into groups based on the component being addressed, so you go to the quiz room for quiz features/bugs etc. And then everyone brings their laptops and codes for 4-6 hours and/or chats together about the component chosen. The point being to churn out functional if unpolished code that can be more quickly refined later to fulfill the needs required.
In reply to David Saylor

Re: Thoughts on Dev Jam

by Sara Arjona -
Hi David!

Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback with us! It will help to improve and prepare a better session the next year! Well done!! smile
I personally would love to have a one-day coding day for fixing bugs. That way, we could learn/teach/get some progress and work together!! In fact, that was our initial idea for this year, but finally, it was not possible because we had not enough time sad So, what do you all think about having it next year?

We would like to hear more opinions about the Dev Jam and also ideas for the next year! So thanks for opening this topic and thanks in advance to all the people that help us to get this feedback smile

Tons of kisses from Sant Vicenç de Castellet (Barcelona)!