Our Moodle Administrator learning pathway builds upon the fundamentals covered in Moodle Admin Basics. The pathway will take you from your first steps managing a basic Moodle LMS or MoodleCloud site, to confident proficiency in all aspects of site administration. 
 Read more about the Administrator pathway.

In this intermediate level course for administrators, you will learn how to identify, select, install, update and delete third party plugins suitable for your organisation. You will also explore how to get assistance when troubleshooting a plugin problem.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

5.2 Customisation.

7.1 Integration policy.

7.2 Community contributions.

7.3 Commercial add-ons.

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld

In this intermediate level course for administrators, you will learn how best to configure your Moodle site settings to optimise the Moodle App experience for your users. The course also includes tips on creating mobile friendly courses.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

5.4 Inclusion

7.5 Web services

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld

Explore in detail various methods of enrolling users into courses. This course follows on from the basic level  course Manage your users, which should be taken before starting this intermediate level course.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld
In this course you will explore Moodle's privacy and policy settings and learn how to configure your site to meet institutional and legal requirements.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld
In this course you will explore Moodle's site-wide and course reports and learn how to analyse and configure them to better monitor your site.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld
In this course you will learn how to adapt Moodle's roles, permissions and capabilities in order to better define what your users can and cannot do.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld
Verken de belangrijkste beheerinstellingen, voorinstellingen voor sitebeheerders, rapporten en basisbestandsbeheer met deze gratis cursus op eigen tempo, die deel uitmaakt van het Leertraject Voor Beheerders.
Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Beginner
Programma's: Moodle Admin Basics

Leer hoe je cursussen toevoegen en verkrijg inzicht in het bewerken van cursussen in deze gratis, zelfstudie cursus, als onderdeel van het Leertraject Voor Beheerders. 

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Beginner
Programma's: Moodle Admin Basics

Learn how to add teachers and learners to your Moodle site and courses with this free, self-paced course, part of the Administrator Learning Pathway.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Beginner
Programma's: Moodle Admin Basics

Verken sitebeheerfuncties zoals thema's, competenties, badges en plugins met deze gratis, zelfstandige cursus, onderdeel van de leerweg voor beheerders.

Deze cursus heeft betrekking op de volgende competentie(s):

5.2 Aanpassing

Geschatte leertijd: 3 uur
Niveau: Beginner
Programma's: Moodle Admin Basics

Een korte cursus voor beheerders die de nieuwe mogelijkheden van Moodle 4.0 willen leren kennen.

Geschatte leertijd: 2 uur
Niveau: Gemiddeld

Moodle WorkplaceTM is a special, corporate version of the Moodle LMS containing all the standard LMS features plus advanced features designed for workplace learning. It streamlines onboarding, workplace learning, compliance management and automation of common processes and it is a licensed software only available via our Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers. 

This event will give you the opportunity to  see real working examples of  Moodle WorkplaceTM installations.

Geschatte leertijd: 1.5 hours
Niveau: Gemiddeld