Enrolment options

About this course

In this course you will learn, how to create a virtual classroom within Moodle 4.0, the basic theories of learning and how they apply to a virtual classroom, how to structure segments in a virtual classroom to maximise active learning for your students, how to deliver an effective virtual class across four key foundations: management, relationship, engagement, and assessment and how BigBlueButton supports delivery in each of the above foundations.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

1.1 Organisational communication

3.1 Teaching

3.2 Guidance

3.3 Collaborative learning

6.2 Digital communication and collaboration

Estimated learning time: 3 hours
Level: Intermediate


Start date: 28/05/22

Enrolment methods

Select an enrolment method
Self enrolment (Learner)
Self enrolment (Learner)