Enrolment options

About this course

In this intermediate level course, you will learn how to create pages with appropriate layouts in your Moodle plugins. Moodle offers different layouts for pages serving different purposes. With practical and hands-on exercises throughout the course, learners will be able to understand how Moodle’s Page, Output and Navigation APIs work. You will learn to create pages using output renderers and mustache templates, as well as how to add items to the primary, secondary and tertiary navigations.

This course expects that learners have some prior knowledge of Moodle development. You can start with our Developer Basics program if you are new to Moodle development.

Estimated learning time: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate


Start date: 30/11/23

Enrolment methods

Select an enrolment method
Self enrolment (Learner)
Self enrolment (Learner)