Moodle Academy January 2025 Highlights

Moodle Academy January 2025 Highlights

par Sandra Matz,
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Find out what's new and upcoming on Moodle.Academy, the learning hub for the global Moodle Community.

Moodle Academy offers free, online Moodle training for educators, workplace trainers, administrators and developers from Moodle experts around the world. Attend live webinars, watch past webinars, complete courses and enrol in programs.

What’s new?

Updates from Moodle Qualifications

In December, Moodle Certifications were rebranded as Moodle Qualifications, providing a clearer and globally recognised title to these professional programs. The Moodle Educator Qualification (MEQ), previously known as Moodle Educator Certification (MEC), continues to support educators in showcasing their expertise. Additionally, the new Moodle Administrator Qualification (MAQ) will be available from February 2025 through qualified Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers. Join our upcoming webinar “Moodle Qualifications: Empowering Educators and Administrators - 21 January 2025, 10:00 UTC” to learn more about them.

What’s coming up?


Moodle Qualifications: Empowering Educators and Administrators - 21 January 2025, 10:00 UTC

Join us for the first webinar of the year to discover the rebranded Moodle Educator Qualification (MEQ), previously known as Moodle Educator Certification (MEC) and the new Moodle Administrator Qualification (MAQ). Designed for educators and administrators, this session will provide an in-depth overview of these globally recognised programs. Whether you're an educator seeking to validate and showcase your Moodle teaching skills or an administrator looking to demonstrate your proficiency in managing Moodle sites, this webinar will equip you with everything you need to get started with Moodle Qualifications. Register for the webinar.

La gestion des rôles dans Moodle (French) - 5 February 2025, 13:00 UTC

Please note: This webinar will be in French. Ce webinaire, destiné avant tout aux administrateurs et administratrices de Moodle, mais aussi à toute personne curieuse du fonctionnement interne de Moodle, se donne comme objectif d'améliorer la compréhension de l'architecture des rôles de Moodle et, à l'aide d'exemples, de trucs et d'astuces, de rendre plus digeste l'administration de ces rôles. Des bonnes pratiques de gestion des rôles dans Moodle seront également présentées. Inscrivez-vous pour le webinaire.

Mahara and Moodle: A match made for learners - 11 February 2025, 02:00 UTC

In this webinar, we will be joined by Kristina Hoeppner, the Mahara Project Lead at Catalyst IT. Moodle allows for the integration with other tools such as Mahara to offer educators and learners even more flexibility in how they would like to learn. Portfolios are a wonderful addition to Moodle because they put learners into the centre of the attention and allow them the freedom to decide how they want to document their learning and what of that learning and the associated reflections they want to share. Join this webinar to receive a number of resources to help you either start your Mahara portfolio journey or review your existing implementation. Register for the webinar.

Courses and programs

'Peer-reviewing Moodle Plugins' course to be launched later in January

In this intermediate level course for developers participants will learn about peer reviewing Moodle plugins. Learners will gain an understanding of the Moodle plugins peer review process, including best practices and key considerations. The activities in this course will help train learners to identify potential issues, assess quality, and provide constructive feedback when reviewing Moodle plugins. This course will be launched by the end of January.

‘Acceptance Testing with Behat’ developer course coming soon

This intermediate level course for developers will cover the importance of automated testing in Moodle development. This course will introduce learners to acceptance testing using the Behat testing framework that is used in Moodle.

Learners will learn to set up the Behat testing environment in their Moodle development environment and run existing Behat tests from the command line. This course will also guide learners on how to write good Behat tests for Moodle.

Find out more and register for free at Moodle Academy!