
Register for webinar 'Moodle Qualifications: Empowering Educators and Administrators'

01月21日 星期二, 10:00 » 11:00

Book your spot to attend this webinar live. If you can't make the time, you can watch the recording afterwards without registering to attend.

Event overview

Join us for a webinar to discover the rebranded Moodle Educator Qualification (MEQ), previously known as Moodle Educator Certification (MEC) and the new Moodle Administrator Qualification (MAQ). Designed for educators and administrators, this session will provide an in-depth overview of these globally recognised programs. Whether you're a educator seeking to validate and showcase your Moodle teaching skills or an administrator looking to demonstrate your proficiency in managing Moodle sites, this webinar will equip you with everything you need to get started with Moodle Qualifications.

This webinar is part of the course 'Moodle Academy webinars'. You have to be enrolled in this free course to register and join the webinar.

After you register, you can access the webinar at the scheduled time.


Inscrivez-vous pour le webinaire 'La gestion des rôles dans Moodle'

02月5日 星期三, 13:00 » 14:00

Réservez votre place pour assister au webinaire. Si vous ne pouvez pas assister en direct vous pouvez regarder l'enregistrement par la suite, sans vous inscrire.

Aperçu de l'événement

Les rôles de Moodle sont une des clefs de la flexibilité de son utilisation. Cependant, la gestion de ces rôles est complexe et assez difficile d'accès. Ce webinaire, destiné avant tout aux administrateurs et administratrices de Moodle, mais aussi à toute personne curieuse du fonctionnement interne de Moodle, se donne comme objectif d'améliorer la compréhension de l'architecture des rôles de Moodle et, à l'aide d'exemples, de trucs et d'astuces, de rendre plus digeste l'administration de ces rôles. Des bonnes pratiques de gestion des rôles dans Moodle seront également présentées.

Ce webinaire fait partie du cours 'Moodle Academy webinars'. Il faut vous inscrire au cours pour participer au webinaire.

Une fois inscrit·e, vous pourrez accéder au webinaire à l'heure prévue.


Register for webinar 'Mahara and Moodle: A match made for learners'

02月11日 星期二, 02:00 » 03:00

Book your spot to attend this webinar live. If you can't make the time, you can watch the recording afterwards without registering to attend.

Event overview

Moodle, the beloved learning management system, allows for the integration with other tools to offer educators and learners even more flexibility in how they would like to learn. Portfolios are a wonderful addition to Moodle because they put learners into the centre of the attention and allow them the freedom to decide how they want to document their learning and what of that learning and the associated reflections they want to share.

In this session, we will be joined by Kristina Hoeppner, the Mahara Project Lead at Catalyst IT.

During the session, Kristina will:

  • Provide a brief introduction on different types of portfolios and their benefits to learners.
  • Explore portfolio examples.
  • Showcase the possibilities that integrating the portfolio platform Mahara with Moodle has for educators who wish to create authentic learning tasks, and for learners who want a space of their own to reflect on their practice.
  • Provide an outlook on the plans for Mahara for the coming years.

You will receive a number of resources to help you either start your portfolio journey or review your existing implementation.

This webinar is part of the course 'Moodle Academy webinars'. You have to be enrolled in this free course to register and join the webinar.

After you register, you can access the webinar at the scheduled time.


Register for webinar 'Pushing the Limits of Moodle as an LTI Tool'

02月26日 星期三, 15:00 » 16:00

Book your spot to attend this webinar live. If you can't make the time, you can watch the recording afterwards without registering to attend.

Event overview

In this webinar we will welcome Riana Beachy-Hasenick, Liam Moran and Gosha Nikiforov frpm the University of Illinois Urban-Champaign.

ATLAS, the IT unit for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has spent the last couple years configuring a Moodle environment to work as an LTI tool integrated into the vendor-provided LMS platform adopted by the University’s central IT unit. This initiative has allowed faculty to continue providing high-quality educational materials designed in Moodle, while satisfying students’ and administration’s desire for the campus to use one central LMS.

Join this webinar to learn about ATLAS's user-centred development of the Moodle LTI tool, including user interface improvements, roster and group handling, grade syncing, notifications, and more.

This webinar is part of the course 'Moodle Academy webinars'. You have to be enrolled in this free course to register and join the webinar.

After you register, you can access the webinar at the scheduled time.


Register for webinar 'Transforming professional development with festive themes'

03月12日 星期三, 15:00 » 16:00

Book your spot to attend this webinar live. If you can't make the time, you can watch the recording afterwards without registering to attend.

Event overview

Teachers face increasing workloads and limited time for professional development. Discover how the Centre de pédagogie universitaire (CPU) at UQAR turned the holiday season into a unique opportunity for teacher development through two creative Moodle-based initiatives: The Festive Calendar and The Holiday Learning Journey. These projects combined gamification, festive themes, and practical resources to inspire teachers while addressing their busy schedules.

The Festive Calendar offered daily pedagogical tips in December, while the Holiday Learning Journey provided tools for integrating generative AI, classroom management, and active learning strategies. Both initiatives followed the RICE model (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort), ensuring high impact with minimal effort.

Join Emilie Ringuet, Pedagogical and Technoeducational Advisor at the Université du Québec à Rimouski in Canada as she describes the reflective process behind those projects, the challenges of professional development for teaching resources, and the key outcomes of these projects. You'll also learn about the Moodle configurations and take home pedagogical resources and both projects in .mbz format. Let's unwrap the gift of effective, enjoyable and time-efficient professional development together!

This webinar is part of the course 'Moodle Academy webinars'. You have to be enrolled in this free course to register and join the webinar.

After you register, you can access the webinar at the scheduled time.
